USA Working Visa, 12 Month Work Visa USA, Job Research

12 Month USA Work Visa

Researching Jobs

One of the best ways to search for a job in the USA, from your home country, is on the Internet. The World Wide Web offers the ability to look for specific jobs, to apply, and to be hired for those jobs. Although job availability may appear plentiful at first, you must realize that you are one of many people applying for the same job. Keep your options open concerning your job position and where you want to work.

United States Newspaper Web Sites:

Aside from the above criteria, you may want to search by region or city; some areas post local newspaper sites on the Internet. The classified section of these sites can be very helpful and are often updated daily or weekly depending on the site. These sites can help you determine what is available in your desired working location.

Try the following sites which list a large number of US newspaper by region:

  • Geebies Press Daily Newspapers
  • Geebies Press Weekly Newspapers
  • YAHOO's US Newspaper Listings
Career Web Sites

You may want to try the following large career sites but these generally list few seasonal employment opportunities. They can, however, be an excellent source of information and advice on various career related topics.

America's Job Bank
  • Headhunter
  • Career Builder
  • Monster.Com
  • Yahoo Careers